Gain Real-World Tech Experience

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Choose Your Role

Product Manager

Learn to define product strategy, prioritize features, and work with development teams to bring ideas to life.

Software Engineer

Master coding skills, software architecture, and development practices through hands-on projects.


Develop your eye for design, learn industry-standard tools, and create user-centric digital experiences.

Try Before You Buy

Experience working on a cross-functional software development team in a role of your choosing, so you don't have to "hope" you'll like the career.

Join the waitlist

The Process

Choose whether you want to be a product manager, engineer, or designer
Week 1
Prepare and get settled

Get paired with a team and cohort, meet your mentors, and learn about the project.

Weeks 2-4
Learn and collaborate

Experience Q&A and training from leading professionals.

Work with your team, conducting weekly standup meetings.

Week 5
Present and finalize

Present your project report and feature to a panel of leading professionals.

Leverage your learnings

Feel more confident in careers you like, and don't like.

Leverage your experience to supercharge your resume.

Continue learning!

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Career Readiness

Enter your career with tangible, real-world experience.


Feel confident in your professional choices and goals.


Improve your abilities and knowledge.