Learn to define product strategy, prioritize features, and work with development teams to bring ideas to life.
Master coding skills, software architecture, and development practices through hands-on projects.
Develop your eye for design, learn industry-standard tools, and create user-centric digital experiences.
Experience working on a cross-functional software development team in a role of your choosing, so you don't have to "hope" you'll like the career.
Join the waitlistGet paired with a team and cohort, meet your mentors, and learn about the project.
Experience Q&A and training from leading professionals.
Work with your team, conducting weekly standup meetings.
Present your project report and feature to a panel of leading professionals.
Feel more confident in careers you like, and don't like.
Leverage your experience to supercharge your resume.
Continue learning!
Enter your career with tangible, real-world experience.
Feel confident in your professional choices and goals.
Improve your abilities and knowledge.